we are reimagining donated jewelry into something new

Lauren Newton
A brass cuff and an array of donated costume earrings arrived on the doorstep of Brooklyn based designer Lauren Newton. She was tasked with taking this mishmash of styles and materials and creating something new. Using her background as a bioligist she stamped her DNA on the piece by bringing to life a cuff bursting with nature. Green glass stones reappeared as leaves, refashioned wire and pearls were transformed into ants and ultimately someone's junk became a cuff with an environmentally friendly story.
Jill Herlands
What do you do with an old pair of earrings from an ex? A pair of earrings depicting people skipping in happier times? Put them in the hands of skilled artist Jill Herlands who can give them new purpose and new life. Jill loves to experiment and push boundaries so her donations of amethysts, pearls and silver earrings were radically transformed beyond recognition. And we would expect nothing less! No more reminders of times gone by, we are looking to the future. We are dancing by the moon on a bed of crushed amethyst.

Lorraine West
Lorraine calls this the "Playful Heart Ring". Taking wires from a donated silver chain she embarked on a freestyle creative process—letting the melted metal speak to her as she played. She drew a heart and got to cutting. The ring is lightly polished with a satin finish, but she purposefully left inclusions and inconsistencies. Everything Lorraine does is with intention and this recycling project isn't about perfection, it's about reality.