Resident Stylist Lindsay Price
Lindsay Price
The Jewelry Edit is thrilled to introduce our new resident stylist, Lindsay Price. It’s often said that “art imitates life” -- and in this case, that couldn’t be more accurate. Meet Lindsay:
I first met Rosena years ago while working on the TV show Lipstick Jungle - the heir apparent to Sex in the City. I was cast as Victory Ford, a famous fashion designer, on a show that was all about fashion and beauty. Needless to say, I had the opportunity to wear some of the most amazing fashion and jewelry on the show. Among all of it, I’ll always remember a stunning pair of gold and jeweled bangles by Rosena that Victoria wore in the pilot episode when she goes on her first blind date with Joe Bennett the billionaire. I wore so many highly coveted pieces of jewelry and beautiful clothes straight from the runway but Rosena‘s beautiful bangles always stuck out for me.
I was very aware that being cast in this coveted lead role on national television was a major breakthrough for a woman of Asian American decent. I grew up watching television and movies searching for my face to be reflected back to me in what I saw. The truth is, there wasn’t anyone that looked like me. The opportunities for artists and actors of color were extremely rare. So, I knew that I had a responsibility to shine a bright light and represent.
When Rosena started The Jewelry Edit, I was so impressed with the fact that not only was she curating beautiful pieces using her impeccable eye, but that the soul and platform that she was standing on was something so near and dear to my heart. Highlighting diverse designers in an industry where there isn’t a multitude of designers of color. She wasn’t using diversity, visibility, representation and sustainability as catchphrases, she was actually doing something about it. It’s hard enough to talk about diversity and sustainability — it’s even harder to actually do the work to make a difference.
At the peak of the Asian hate crimes that were rising in America, coinciding with AAPI heritage month, she asked me if I would like to be involved in the Jewelry Edit, and without skipping a beat I said yes. It combines two of my favorite things in the world — my love of jewelry and fashion, and the chance to amplify voices and talents that might not have gotten a chance in the past.