If you're looking for jewelry with personality, look no further than the bold and brazen designs of Dominique Renée. Buckle up for a hilarious rollercoaster of emotions from love to hate and everything in between. These designs are not for wallflowers, they're pieces to wear loudly and proudly. Renée, a celebrated nail artist, has created a colorful playlist of emotions to celebrate you.
The Jewelry Edit had the opportunity to talk to Renée about what inspires her.
How did you come up with the name and concept for your company?
I named my company after myself because it is an authentic extension of who I am. The concept of my brand came about organically because I have been using music to express myself for as long as I can remember. When I was in college I designed my entire myspace page around a song, 4am by Gwen Stefani, which spoke to how I felt about my current romantic relationship. As a very emotional being it just felt natural to use my brand as a way to explore and cope with the things life throws my way.
Where do you look for inspiration when designing pieces?
I look at how I am feeling and what’s going on in my life for inspiration.
What are your favorite types of pieces to design?
Pieces that are witty and make me laugh when the ideas come to me. Pieces that instantly bring a smile to other people's faces when they get the meaning behind them.
What’s your favorite type of material to wear/work with?
I love 3D printing with plastic because I can conceptualize a design and have it in my hand the same day, it’s cost effective, and it allows me to work with lots of fun colors. I love combining it with metal elements as well!
How would you describe your style?
I struggle each time someone asks me to describe my style. Whitley Gilbert meets Kelis maybe? Ha!
What are your biggest style influences?
My biggest style influences would actually be eras: the 80s, 90s, and early 2000’s
What was the first piece of jewelry you remember buying for yourself?
It was a two finger custom gold “Renee” ring, I loved that ring so much!
What’s the most special piece of jewelry you own? What’s the story behind it?
It's a gold charm bracelet my mother bought me when I turned 16. She handpicked charms to go on it, each one with its own special meaning. A few of my favorite charms are the heart which represents her unconditional love, a cross as a reminder of my faith and a handbag because I’ve been obsessed with handbags since I was a toddler. I still wear this bracelet to this day, and I think I love and appreciate it more now than I did when I first got it.
What’s one piece of jewelry you wear often, that you can’t live without?
I don’t really have one, I’m too moody to ever be completely fixated on one item!
How many pieces of jewelry do you usually wear at any given time? What are they?
At the very least I have 7 pieces of jewelry on at any given time. I usually don’t leave my house without my earrings, I have 3 holes in one ear and 4 in the other.
Why do you think it’s important for people to wear jewelry?
People should wear jewelry because it brings joy and aids in self expression. Life is too short to not own jewelry!
What’s something people should keep in mind when shopping for jewelry?
Buy what makes you happy.
What draws customers in to purchase jewelry from your collection?
I think people purchase jewelry from my collection because it’s fun, original, and although it speaks from my experience, it is speaking to their own.